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The next Brisbane Bushwalkers Club meeting will take place at 07:30PM on Wed 11th September 2024.
Ranger in Charge Lamington National Park: Wil Buch
Stay tuned for more detail but in essence, Will Buch, ranger, will talk about the management of the park and what that entails.
He will also discuss the various well established walking trails & also talk of some of the semi-isolated tracks within the park.
It should be an informative evening.
Please join us at Club Hall (Newmarket Hall), (Map)
"'A great range of activities and roles, from cruisy to challenging, from passive participation to active leadership''"
"My wife and I have met some of our best friends in BBW"
"I've been taken to beautiful places I didn't know existed close to Brisbane"
"BBW has taught me bush skills, navigation, first aid and leadership"
"Get back to nature for adventures with like minded people'"
"Discover & learn about unknown & beautiful places in your own backyard"
"Everyone is so helpful and keen to share their knowledge"